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Pet Walk Sit, Pets - Zionsville, Indiana Classifieds and Business Listings



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***A pet sitter is a contracted service provider who takes care of a pet in its own home. There are man... see more. To post your FREE classified or FREE business listing in section Pet Walk Sit, Pets in Zionsville, Indiana Click Here

Definition (Source: Wikipedia)

***A pet sitter is a contracted service provider who takes care of a pet in its own home. There are many different services which can be offered by pet sitters. [edit] Vacation During vacation pet sitting, a pet sitter visits a client's home several times, as required. The exact length of visit is determined by both pet owners and pet sitters, averaging about fifteen to forty-five minutes. Most pet sitters bill clients on a per-visit basis, including additional charges for multiple pets, travel expenses, and special tasks. Less commonly, pet sitters offer live-in care. [edit] Dog walking Main article: Dog walking Pet sitters also provide dog walking services. Disabled clients and the elderly often hire pet sitters to exercise and care for their pets if they are unable to do so. Pet sitters may also offer other more aggressive methods of exercise for dogs during dog walking appointments. These may include jogging, running, inline skating, bicycling, or dog scootering with client dogs. [edit] Other services Pet sitters also provide some home sitting services for clients, tending plants, and giving homes a "lived-in" look to deter crime. Pet sitters are sometimes hired to transport pets. Pet sitters sometimes provide pooper scooper services for client yards.


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